Recipes of of HCG Diet Phase 1

Recipes of of HCG Diet Phase 1

In the case of the HCG diet method, phase 1 is perhaps the hardest level where strict calorie counting applies. Therefore, many dieters seek HCG diet recipes phase 1 reference and advice to vary their menu. This article presents a general overview (as a reminder) of the diet, an explanation of what kinds of food are allowed in the list as well as some ideas of the recipes to make your day more motivating.

This The Recipes of HCG Diet Phase 1


The real challenge in phase 1 is avoiding anything instantly served and processed. For people who are used to home cooking and consuming fresh ingredients, this demand may not be that hard. But for most of us who rely on canned or frozen food that only takes minutes to prepare and is easy to store, processing fresh ingredients will seem to be troublesome. Restrictions are also made for sugar, fat and carbohydrate. The main aim in this phase is actually to clean up metabolism from unhealthy substances. Hence, if you search for cooking alternatives for hcg diet recipes in phase 1, even sauces are home cooked and not instantly consumed.

Food Recommend And Main Course Ideas For HCG Diet


Foods Recommended

The bottom line of consumption in phase 1 of hcg diet is low calorie, low carbohydrate, high fibre and vitamins as well as healthy fats consumption. The easiest hcg diet recipes phase 1 that you will find it very practical and refreshing is green and fruit smoothies. This is very suitable for both breakfasts and in between meal’s snack. Anything made of whole wheat is considered healthy and suitable in the first phase. Whole wheat pasta, bread, and pastries are healthier sources of carbohydrates. Milk and dairy should be taken with minimum process. Hence, if you wish to maintain yoghurt consumption, choose a plain one and add up freshly chopped fruits for variations. This is to boost vitamins but keep sugar low. Pick fruits that are a bit acidic, like oranges, strawberries and green apples; remember to consume low fructose content. Green smoothies can accommodate pretty much all green veggies. If you are bored with smoothies, fruit shakes (without added sugar) can also be an alternative.

Main Course Ideas

As for the main course HCG diet recipes in phase 1, combining spinach, cheese, and grilled chicken breast can be fabulous. What you need to prepare is skinless chicken breast (seasoned with a pinch of salt and pepper), chopped fresh spinach and unsalted cheese (preferably of the low-fat product) as the filling. Mix spinach and cheese with pressed garlic, and fill it in the chicken breast. Grill it or put it in the oven with sprinkles of olive oil for more taste. An omelette with chopped spinach, broccoli, onions, and cheddar cheese is also simple to prepare. If you want some variations, change either spinach or broccoli with bell peppers.

Thanks for reading this article about the HGC diet; if you like this article, don’t forget to share it with your friends.

More like this: cookinghgc diet

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