Cutting down body mass index means fat reduction. Fat does not only hide in high-calorie food and sugary sweetened products. Oil is also a source of nonsaturated fat. Other than that, mistakes in food processing can...
Many people fail their diets or unable to maintain the lifestyle they once applied because the approach is incorrect. Trying too hard to omit some food elements and sacrifice to starve will result in ineffective program....
The numbers of diet method that are based on scientific or medical research are not that many. Most of the exposed ways are developed by nutritionists or personal trainers. The effectiveness of those methods are claimed...
Are you looking for reliable diet program that won’t need that long to see the result? Well, be careful. The current trend shows that anything that works great on some public profiles like actress, singers and those...
Imagine the hectic working schedule and other demands of life that you have to face every day. When do we actually have the time to sit and calculate what we are going to eat? At work, when lunch break comes, what we...
Do you need to lose weight fast for some reasons? Preparing your wedding soon or having some health issues that force you to cut down some fats as quick as possible? Ketonic diet menu is claimed to be effective for quick...